Gavin Degraw i Sverige!


Hejhej alla bloggläsare!
Jag heter Ebba och är 14 år och kommer vara en gästbloggare här på denna blogg, jag kommer blogga några gånger i veckan om saker om det älskade One Tree Hill.
Jag ♥ One Tree Hill precis som Rebecka och det ska verkligen bli kul att blogga bara om det, hihih...
Jag satt faktiskt nyss och kollade på One Tree Hill säsong 5 men jag ligger egentligen på säsong 8 som går just nu på tv kanal5 på söndagar kl 18-19 :)
Detta inlägg var lite mer som ett info grej men mitt nästa och alla där fram kommer bara handla om OTH!
Och föresten kolla in min egna blogg :D
Peace&Love // Ebba
en favorit bild på OTH gänget..
Back To School

How To Do: Sophia's Golden Shimmer

WHERE YOU'VE SEEN IT: "Friends with Benefit" Tour - February 7, 2006
RULE #1: Always start with a clean face.
FACE: After moisturizing, apply your light or sheer concealer and foundation sparingly. Apply some concealer to the inner corners of your eyes and underneath to minimize dark circles or slight bags. Properly blend a liquid foundation very-very well.. use a clean sponge, or the clean side of it to blend if you need to. Although we don't recommended those, seeing as how they can build up bacteria. Adding powder is optional, but if you do use it.. use lightly. To avoid looking too "powdery" tap the brush several times before adding it to your face.
NOTE: Remember to always wear a foundation that is in balance with your skin-tone.. you don't want to have a lighter or darker face then your neck or the rest of your body.
For your blush, use a rosey mauve. If you have more of an olive/medium/tan complexion opt for a more rosey-brick color. Use a shade that most compliments your tone the best. Apply to the apples of your cheeks if you have a round face. But, if your face shape is more narrow -- apply to your cheekbone. Use a large powder brush to lightly dust on a loose translucent powder to set the make-up. Brush downward and roll the brush across your face for a light coverage. To avoid looking too "powdery" tap the brush many times before adding it to your face.
EYES: Before you add shadow, prep your eye with an undercoat primer, then begin by adding a very rich and shimmery gold shade from your eyelid to the crease, apply lightly to the crease. Sweep the shadow under your lower lashes to continue the shimmer. Definitely avoid a thick sweep, you don't want it to overwhelm. Lightly fan out upward a light peachy/brown colored shadow at the outer corners of the upper lids, blend it well with the gold shadow at the outer corner. For highlighting, apply a light neutral shade to the area just under the brow, on the brow bone, blend it well. Be careful not to cover the fanned out shadow at the outer corner of the eyelid.
For your eyeliner choose a black or even a dark brown if you're complexion is quite fair. Apply a thin line to the top lash line, from the outer corner just barely reaching the inner corner. If you trace the inner corner of the eye, you could end up looking too outlined and will have over-done the look.
Use a lighter touch to get the color in-between the lashes.. it's very difficult but sometimes easier if you apply from under the side of the lashes instead of from the top side. Do the same on the lower lash line avoid allowing the line to be too thick and dark. If you want it to be darker, you can do so at the outer edges as Sophia has it in the photo above.
For the inner corners of the eyes, use a light neutral shadow and a light brush and lightly stroke the area to lighten the eye up and really make them pop.
If your eyebrows are groomed (i.e. waxed, plucked, threaded... etc..), define the arch with a sharp pencil a shade darker than your eyebrow color. Fill in the rest of your brow if necessary, but don't go too heavy. But, if you have dark or full eyebrows that you'd like to leave that way, make sure they're well-groomed and just add some gel or even clear mascara to keep them in place and not bushy.
Before finishing up with your eyes, curl your lashes and apply two or three coats to the upper lashes with a thickening, black mascara. Apply one or two coats to your lower lashes.
LIPS: Gently brush your lips with an old or soft toothbrush to get rid of any dead, peeling or dry skin. You can also use a warm washcloth, but don't rub hard. Apply a dime size amount of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) and let it soak in for a half hour, or more if desired.
Finish off the look by applying a color-free primer to your lips, then add a sheer coral or rose-colored lip gloss.
![]() Lip Brush |
*Brushes: Shader, Sponge Tip, Lash, Small Angled Brow Brush, Fluff Brush |
Se fler make-up tips här!
How To Do: Sophia's Cool Flowing Waves

WHERE YOU'VE SEEN IT: The CW Upfronts - May 18, 2006
It's one of the hottest trends in Hollywood all year round, yup summer waves aren't only just for summer anymore! You may think it takes a lot to achieve this look, but you'd be surprised how low-maintenance it is to add some glamour to your tresses! Find out how you can get Sophia's hairstyle in these 3 easy steps.
NOTE: This style looks best on layered medium to long length hair.
Naturally Curly/Wavy Hair:
STEP 1: Wash and condition hair with Herbal Essences "Totally Twisted" Curls & Waves Shampoo and Conditioner.
STEP 2: Apply Herbal Essences "Totally Twisted" Curl Boosting Mousse then blow-dry hair with diffuser by holding the blow-dryer above your head, and let the air blow downward so it dries from the root to the ends of your hair.
STEP 3: Finger comb your hair... and voila insta-wave!
Naturally Straight Hair: This is an overnight styling technique.
STEP 1: Wash and condition hair with Herbal Essences "Totally Twisted" Curls & Waves Shampoo and Conditioner.
STEP 2: Mist hair with water and braid hair.
STEP 3: When you wake in the morning unbraid hair and scrunch hair with fingers using Herbal Essences "Totally Twisted" Curl Scrunching Gel.
NOTE: To add a touch of red-carpet glamour, spritz hair with Herbal Essences "Shimmery Nights" Shimmer Spray.
Se fler "How-To-Hair-Do's" här!
John Steinbeck

På skolan har vi börjat läsa Möss och männsikor av John Steinbeck. I avsnitt 104 - Where I end and you begin säger Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) ett citat av honom.
"John Steinbeck once wrote; 'It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world.'"
I avsnitt 105 - Every night is another story säger Lucas också ett citat av honom;
"As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone."
"As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. Then gradually time awakened again and moved sluggishly on." -- John Steinbeck, "Of Mice And Men"
Och även i avsnitt 108 - With arms outstreched citerar Lucas honom.
"What A frightening thing is the human, a mass of gages, and dials, and registers, but we can read only a few and those perhaps not accurately." -- John Steinbeck

Säsong 3 & 4


Min åsikt - Säsong 7

Jake Jagielski



Intervju med Robert Buckley.

But landing a job on the earnest North Carolina-set drama after his run on the short-lived "Lipstick Jungle" was cause for celebration. And, of course, the 28-year-old actor wanted to know what his friends thought.
First, he screened old episodes for himself. "I was actually really impressed with the show," he said. "I decided I really liked it."
Yeah, but they pay his bills.
So he decided to test it out with a bunch of his friends. "I had 10 of my guys over to watch a UFC fight. So we're eating, drinking beer, having a good time, and afterward I put on 'One Tree Hill' and the room got sort of quiet."
"My sister walks in halfway through an episode and they were like, 'Shhh, Nathan and Haley are fighting!' " Buckley said. "I mean, just try and picture all these 30-year-old dudes. They were totally engrossed."
Läs hela artikeln här!


Som ni kanske förstår


Köp alla OTH säsonger på t.ex CDON. Alla säsonger kostar 229:- styck men säsong 6 kostar 449:-
Ny design

Länge sen sist

I'm gonna try

Just nu är det ganska svårt att hitta information om one tree hill, men jag ska verkligen försöka att hitta infromation så att jag har nåt att skriva om. Jag lovar att jag verkligen ska försöka. :)
Första bilden blir på hela gänget. :)